How to Begin
• Your login is the email address you provided CSP
• Your temporary password was in the email you received which pointed you to this page.
1. Log in and change your password
• You may change your password via the account settings under the gray gear icon—on the right side of your page—when you are logged in.
• Write down your new password
2. Logout and then Log back in (using your new password)
3. Congratulations! This is your personal CSP portfolio page
• To edit your portfolio, click on the gray gear icon—on the right side of your page.
• Select Edit Profile.
Note: this gear menu is where you can change your account settings (email, password, display name) and logout.
4. Adding your Content
Your portfolio allows for one profile image and ten images inside the portfolio with descriptions. All images must be jpg files.
It is recommended that you prepare and archive your files on your own computer. This will be especially helpful if the cloud has a thunderstorm and all is lost.
Profile image
• 300 x 300 pixels minimum
• This should be an image of your artwork, not of you personally
• The software will allow you to crop larger images to this size
• The software then turns your profile image into a circle
• Select an image that will be effective at this size
Portfolio images
• 1000 pixels wide
• The software allows you to crop your images with upload
• A brief description is allowed for each image
• Artist statement up to 500 words
• Bio up to 200 words
• Links to your website, facebook and Instagram pages, and your video account
• Select your primary print media (this is most effective if you select less than 7).
The primary print media appear under your profile image when your portfolio is being viewed.
5. Remember to click Update Profile at the bottom of your page to save the changes you make to your CSP website portfolio.
6. Log out after each session to avoid problems.
NOTE: The navigation menu on the artist members gallery takes one out of the artist members gallery entirely. The artist members link on the primary website returns you to the artist members gallery.
Q: I added my text info. Why doesn’t my portfolio appear in the artist members gallery ?
A: Did you upload your profile image? Profile images are required for portfolios to be visible.
Q: Can I change the order of my images?
A: Yes. You do this by uploading them to the position you want them to appear. Otherwise, the layout of the portfolio is not changeable. If your images are different dimensions you may want to upload images with similar dimensions across from each other so that your portfolio has a more uniform look.
Q: I have input my images and text and nothing happens.
A: Did you save your portfolio by clicking the Update Profile button at the bottom of your page? Profiles must be updated with each change.
Q: I can’t make my website, facebook or instagram links work.
A: Each of these require a complete web address that begins with either http:// or https://
Q: What is the web address for the artist members gallery?
Q: When I return to see all printmakers the page is blank!
A: Try refreshing your browser. The software sometimes takes a minute to recognize changes.
Q: What if I don’t want to upload ten images, my bio or my facebook page.
A: That is fine. The only element required is the profile image. Any item not tended to will not appear on your portfolio page.
Q: What if I want to change my images?
A: Login to your profile. Select the gray gear icon. Select Edit Profile and change away.
Q: May I have more than ten images in my portfolio?
A: Not at this time. Ten images for each artist member is a manageable number and has been recently increased from six.
Q: May I include composite images?
A: Please don’t. Composite images will appear small and disrupt the visual continuity of the artist members gallery.
Q: Why isn’t my media included in the Primary Print Media list?
A: The list includes the broad categories of contemporary printmaking so that it is manageable. If a broad category is missing, please do let your Website Manager know.
Q: May I change my portfolio name?
A: Yes. Do this by selecting Edit Account found under the gray gear icon.
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